Sync with the Moon in 2022! Purchase your Digital Calendar today.

I am excited to collaborate with Wise Skies Collective! This calendar is a game-changing tool for anyone who desires a deeper connection with the Moon.  Want to know her zodiac signs and moon phases to pick optimal times for activities? Just look at your phone or desktop calendar. You will also receive simple lunar wisdom. Buy for yourself or as a gift. I LOVE IT!

The investment is $20 when you use my coupon code: CELESTE15.  It is compatible with iOS, Google Calendar, Android, Mac, any phone, laptop, or device, and updates the time as you travel to different time zones! Install in minutes. 

You will receive 3 files -  A moon calendar,  planetary transits calendar, and a void of course moon calendar. Install one or all three. Email [email protected] with any questions.


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Unleash the Queen

The new moon at 12º Scorpio on November 4th at 2:14 pm PT officially launches eclipse season. Have you already experienced surprising beginnings or endings? These intense lunations are times of massive change that unfold over several months. To compound the feeling of standing on shifting sands, the Lightning bolt thrower, Uranus, faces off with the luminaries. Expect the unexpected on steroids! I am hosting two free webinars. Register here to learn more about these lunations.

Uranus not only brings sudden events but also awakens us to new possibilities. Like Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give to man, the Universe may provide you with unexpected epiphanies. Stay open for revelations over the next month. Write them down whether they come through a dream or during the day. Claim your sovereignty.

Learn more about the signature of this lunation at my YouTube video here.

Some prompts for journaling, oracle cards, or contemplation:

Where do you invest your time,...

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Oracle on Purpose Podcast Interview

This Scorpio season promises surprises as we have the first eclipse on the axis of possessions. Personal vs shared resources will be in focus. On November 19, the Taurus Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun.  This lunation is a sneak peek into the karmic collective journey of the North Node in Taurus upcoming transit: January 19, 2022 – July 17, 2023. I think two key themes will be shedding materialism and valuing the Earth’s limited bounty.

Being a guest on Coach Lia Dunlap’s podcast was a priceless gift. Like myself, she left the corporate world to pursue her calling. She helps people find their purpose and build prosperity. Niching down and letting go of energy drains is helping me to focus my business with more ease and joy. I suggest subscribing to her podcast for impactful guidance. View the discussion here.

Join me Sundays at 9:30 am PT and Mondays at 11:00 am PT on Instagram Live to discuss the astrology of current events, insights on the Moon phases, and...

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Explosive Tendencies

This 27º Aries Full Moon on Wednesday, September 20th at 7:56 am PT is a doozy. Mars rules the bold and fiery sign of Aries, and he is currently in exile. The planet of action is struggling through the uncomfortable territory of diplomacy-loving Libra. Mars prefers to take rather than negotiate. To make matters worse, he is on his way to battle against Pluto, Lord of the Underworld.  Spoiler alert, Pluto wins. This lunation magnifies the volcanic intensity of the battle of the cosmic baddies. Don’t turn love into a battlefield.  Use this energy to build courage and activate your willpower to manifest your vision.

I suggest taking time out for a Full Moon ritual. Prompts for journaling, oracle cards, or contemplation:

Reflecting on my Libra New Moon intentions for bringing more balance to my relationships, what progress can I celebrate? Which goals need to be adjusted? What do I need to release? 

Think back to the start of this lunar gestational family; the...

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AstrologyBytes Podcast Appearance

Are you moving through Mercury Retrograde season with minor frustrations, a few fun anecdotes, and no catastrophes? The official ending is Oct 18, but we are still in the shadow period until Nov 2.

Be aware that ghosts may continue returning from the past. Fingers crossed its friendly Casper and not someone reminiscent of an Edgar Allan Poe novel. Electronic issues also can still pop up, and secrets especially may be revealed. I am looking forward to the winged messenger entering Scorpio for the first time!

On the bright side, you may feel a motivational push forward now that achievement-loving Saturn is in direct motion and gaining speed each day!

Secondary progression is a forecasting technique that advances the natal chart into the future and provides insights into potential life developments. It is a day for a year technique. Astrologers focus on the progressed Moon because she moves the fastest at 1 degree per month and changes signs every 2.5 years.  She illuminates our...

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Beauty and the Beast

Welcome to pumpkin spiced latte season! Airy Libra appreciates an elegant social event so make sure to add some time for fun and fellowship. With Mercury in retrograde the opportunity to reconnect with old friends is now. Make the call and set up a date!

Have you had any electronic glitches, mix-ups or mishaps?   My email melted down, my phone started talking to me unexpectedly and I came home with two bottles of Pinot Noir rather than Chardonnay by mistake in just the last few days. Monday’s massive Instagram outage ate my Astro & Oracle Live. Ugh! It was a good one.  Oh well. I would love to hear your stories, email me at [email protected]. The technical glitches aside, have you had any revelations on how you partner with others?

On the surface, the October 6th lunation looks energizing, but dark intensity lies beneath.  The New Moon at 13º Libra reports into possessive and passionate Venus in Scorpio. She is having a side...

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Protecting Treasure

The March 24, 2020 New Moon birthed the lunar phase family for this upcoming lunation. It also coincided with the seismic shift of our collective lives: social distancing. The entrance of restrictive Saturn in society ruling Aquarius shattered the myth of personal power and autonomy. How poetic that what began with an Aries New Moon culminates with a Pisces one. The Ram meets the Fish.

Watery Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. This Full Moon at 28º Pisces on September 20, 2021 at 4:54pm PT offers an opportunity to release any false narratives surrounding control. It is time to surrender. The alternative is the punishment of Sisyphus to push the rock up the hill continually and stand at the summit bewildered as the stone descends.

The upcoming Mercury retrograde from September 27 – October 18 invites us to review, revise, and rethink our closest relationships. The social restriction has provided ample time for all to reconsider our values and what we treasure.


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Get Organized!

We need a break and, finally, have a cosmic one. There is a hidden network of support to manage the evolutionary change of the year, duty-bound Saturn vs. revolutionary Uranus. On Monday, September 6 at 5:51 pm, the luminaries are in a soft trine aspect to Uranus, providing emotional help for required changes. They biquintile Saturn exactly. This minor yet mighty aspect is a grace note enabling unexpected pathways to success.

Mutable Virgo energy encourages incremental changes to improve things. We call it nitpicking when in shadow, but that may be needed if you hold on tight to the structures that no longer serve you.

Empress Venus, on her Libra throne, is also a star of this show. She is holding hands with the asteroid Vesta, guardian of the home and community. Alliances of all kinds are in focus. In particular, the relationship of women vs. the state as the most restrictive abortion law went into effect this week. This Virgo New Moon is an ideal time to organize and plan a...

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Getting Clear on Your Vision

Full Moon at 29º Aquarius

Sunday, August 22, 2021, 5:01 am PT

This summer was bountiful but bumpy.  Did you have frustrating delays and unexpected changes on your path forward? Feisty Leo opposes Aquarius and squares Taurus.  One by one, the planetary parade of Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun traveled into the heart of the lion. Each first faced off with Saturnian brick walls, and then from our blind spots came the Uranian curveballs.

I originally planned to launch the next round of the Moon Mastery™ program in September. However, I decided to delay until the beginning of 2022.  My focus for the rest of the year is on deepening my knowledge of horary astrology. The 20-week class comes with 8 hours per week of homework. In addition, I am supporting my clients with readings and teaching a class for one of my mentors. My plate is too full. I did not retire from corporate to stress myself out in other ways.  First came the aha moment and then, the...

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Creating Joy!

Last month was a bumpy and exhilarating ride. Jupiter, the cosmic Santa, temporarily dropped its cape and left the ecstasy of Pisces for the limitations of Aquarius.  Like clockwork, mask regulations returned in the US. Thankfully, the planetary reversal is temporary. On December 28, the planet of good fortune returns home. Fingers crossed that we receive relief before then.

In addition, each of the personal planets opposed restriction-loving Saturn and then squared off with wild card Uranus. If you felt this disruptive energy, did you break down or break through? I would love to hear your stories. Reply to this email if you would like to share your experience.

Good news! The New Moon at 16º Leo on August 8 at 6:49am PT coincides with the annual Lion's Gate portal. Sirius, the second brightest star in the sky, is rising, and the numerology is on point. 8/ 8 offers endless possibilities. I suggest setting the alarm to meditate on the dream you have for your life at the...

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