Abundance Mindset

Earthly Taurus offers a slower pace, stability, and grounding. Welcome this lunation as a reset after the wild ride of eclipse season. Whether yours was uneventful, brought hardship, or delivered abundance, I suspect you felt some of the intensity. If not yourself, people in your orbit likely experienced seismic shifts. The magnified lunations have long tails. Events will still unfold over the next several months as transits activate the hot degrees of 29º Aries and 14º Scorpio.

Donald Trump had an eclipse season to remember. The eclipse hit his 9th house of legal affairs. I recorded a video on my YouTube channel explaining the astrology. You can view it here. Subscribe to be notified when I drop new content.

Communicative Mercury turned direct at 5º Taurus yesterday. Take some time to revisit what came to your attention during the retrograde. Of course, the usual transportation woes, scheduling mixups, and electronic snafus likely occurred. For many, financial or...

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A Room Without a Roof

If I had to pick a favorite, it might just be this fire sign. When the Moon enters Sagittarius, I often notice my mood improve and optimistic thoughts dancing through my mind. It makes sense as Jupiter—the planet of expansion, abundance, and luck—rules this sign. Fire inspires and motivates. Sagittarius energy produces constant seekers who love foreign experiences of the mind and body. This lunation invites a release of limited thinking and dreaming beyond what you thought was possible. Neptune—the planet of delusions and illusions—can aid in the flight of fantasy. Use Saturn's influence to ground yourself in the practical.

The three personal planets are chilling at home, expressing their energies easily from June 13th to the 22nd! Mercury in Gemini enables clear thinking, Venus in Taurus connects us to life's pleasures, and Mars in Aries brings confidence to pursue our goals. Use this momentum to alchemize imagination into manifestation. The Celestial...

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