This summer was bountiful but bumpy. Did you have frustrating delays and unexpected changes on your path forward? Feisty Leo opposes Aquarius and squares Taurus. One by one, the planetary parade of Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun traveled into the heart of the lion. Each first faced off with Saturnian brick walls, and then from our blind spots came the Uranian curveballs.
I originally planned to launch the next round of the Moon Mastery™ program in September. However, I decided to delay until the beginning of 2022. My focus for the rest of the year is on deepening my knowledge of horary astrology. The 20-week class comes with 8 hours per week of homework. In addition, I am supporting my clients with readings and teaching a class for one of my mentors. My plate is too full. I did not retire from corporate to stress myself out in other ways. First came the aha moment and then, the...
Last month was a bumpy and exhilarating ride. Jupiter, the cosmic Santa, temporarily dropped its cape and left the ecstasy of Pisces for the limitations of Aquarius. Like clockwork, mask regulations returned in the US. Thankfully, the planetary reversal is temporary. On December 28, the planet of good fortune returns home. Fingers crossed that we receive relief before then.
In addition, each of the personal planets opposed restriction-loving Saturn and then squared off with wild card Uranus. If you felt this disruptive energy, did you break down or break through? I would love to hear your stories. Reply to this email if you would like to share your experience.
Good news! The New Moon at 16º Leo on August 8 at 6:49am PT coincides with the annual Lion's Gate portal. Sirius, the second brightest star in the sky, is rising, and the numerology is on point. 8/ 8 offers endless possibilities. I suggest setting the alarm to meditate on the dream you have for your life at the...
The Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 0º Aquarius on the winter solstice heralded a new 20-year story for each of us and a 200-year cycle for humanity. The plotline is to expand your life with new support structures. The Full Moon activation at 1º Aquarius on July 23 at 7:36 pm PT provides perspective, a clearer view on your vision of how you want to build back better.
The sun makes its annual visit home in fiery Leo. It is the heart of summer and time for joy and recreation. The lioness rules play, pleasure and fun. Aquarius is the sign of the collective. This lunation is the first of two in this airy sign, spotlighting the call of 2021 to release outdated structures. How do you create your bliss while honoring the social compact to consider we and not just the I? It is obscene that billionaires are blasting themselves into space while many struggle to put food on the table. For the rest of us here on Earth, we have an opportunity to find a new home in our relationship with...
It is time to manifest! This fertile New Moon includes ingredients to create, nurture and grow abundance. Asteroid Midas is in the spotlight! What will you turn to gold? Set intentions for wealth creation. Saturn crystallizes results from hard work and is having a sweet conversation with the karmic North Node. There is support for your path forward. It’s a nice change after the pushback over the last few weeks, where many were left feeling frustrated, blocked, or stifled.
My favorite aspect of the year occurs during the New Moon phase of this cycle. Venus and Mars, the yin and the yang of joy creation, are embracing at 19º Leo on July 13. A new cycle begins for each of us regarding creativity. It is time to bring fun, joy, and pleasure into your life. Don’t forget, it's the Summer of Love. Bring sexy back and get your flirt on.
I added a new feature and picked an oracle card for each sign during my video. Enjoy my insights on...
Are you ready for a reset? On Sunday, the summer solstice marked a time of new energy. I loved the harmonious water trio in the sky between the Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Pisces Jupiter. Use this energy for visioning, inspiration, and healing. The caution is letting emotional waves overwhelm you. Get outside in nature if you start to feel the blues or rage brewing. Follow the sign of the Moon for additional insight into your mood shifts as the Sun reports into our costume-changing lunar teacher until July 22. She has a new attitude every 2.5 days.
Get ready to party as the Summer of Love 2021 is here. Mars and Venus, the planets of romance and desire, meet for the first time in two years in fiery and fun Leo on July 13. There is a call to joy but use your good sense. You may want to say no to any invite that includes the word rave, wild or massive, as Uranus, the planet of chaos, is bringing it. Be especially careful on July 4 as the Taurus Moon...
Can you feel the pull of evolutionary growth? I am excited and nervous about the changes coming for the collective. Eclipses are portals. On June 10, the Moon will cut off the sun’s transmission for 100 minutes. A new channel will broadcast when the light reemerges. The North Node moved into Gemini in May of 2020. The karmic invitation is to
upgrade our communication skills to avoid confusion through clarity
build relations within our local communities
listen intently
learn new skills
It is symbolic that we have our only Solar Eclipse in Gemini of this cycle. The North Node will not return to this sign of the winged messenger for another 19 years. We are on the precipice of a new beginning.
The coming changes will be significant as the second Saturn Uranus square of 2021 is on June 14. The first one coincided with the Texas power outages. What will be the unexpected and destructive event? A large-scale communication breakdown,...
We are in the proverbial eye of the storm as eclipses bring permanent changes in our lives. For some, they will land like a snowflake and others a blizzard. Lunar eclipses are more emotional rather than physical. There is nothing to fear. Listen to your inner voice. These intense lunations are on the axis of information. What have you learned over the last 14 months about beliefs you held and assumed were facts? Today’s lunar eclipse in Sagittarius calls to assess the new information you have gathered and release the old story.
This season coincides with Mercury Retrograde in Gemini. The winged messenger rules communication, electronics, schedules, and agreements. It’s a time to slow down, arrive early at appointments, and triple-check your work. Old stories will come to light for you to examine and integrate with the new wisdom you have gained. It is for your highest good. Personally, the trickster started toying with me...
How are you? Life at Astrology by Celeste has been a whirlwind! The Aries New Moon brought the revelation that I was ready to take off the platinum handcuffs and retire from my corporate career to follow my spiritual calling full time. My word of the year is fearless, and I realized it was the only thing holding me back. Did you have any insights? If you need the energy to make changes, use this New Moon in Taurus to tap into your inner power, grab some grit and make lasting changes for your highest good.
Taurus is an earth sign which calls for slowing down and savoring sensual delights. I must confess to having spent too many meals over the past year eating while working or completing chores. Carving out time to savor meals is one of my intentions. Electronic free meal times may have the kids whining for families but will offer a chance for a deeper connection.
One caution is to avoid old, familiar fights about family history. Instead, use the energy to free yourself from the past...
The Full Moon at 7º Scorpio on Monday, Apr 26th brings echoes of the past. It is a Supermoon and will look massive in the night sky as it is as close as it gets to earth. The mirror for self-reflection is huge.
As always, the luminaries oppose each other at the culmination of their cycle. This lunar activation brings the Sun to the hot degree of 7º Taurus where Uranus, the Great Awakener, stood during the Saturn Uranus square of Feb 17th. Have you made the changes to structures that no longer serve you? Use the illumination to see your progress clearly. Celebrate any small steps forward. There is no need for judgment. Give yourself grace and forgive any lack of progress.
The sign of the phoenix invites you to examine your shadow and uproot difficult experiences. Take a trip down to the basement and transmute the pain into healing. The gentle energy of Taurus provides loving support to do so.
The action planet, Mars, entered watery Cancer and now...
Do you feel yourself releasing things from your life? Relationships, habits, commitments, or other things that no longer serve you may beckon an exit. It is a time of endings. The Pisces Moon is in her balsamic phase. The last sign of the zodiac meets the last phase of the lunar cycle. Listen to your inner wisdom and resist the urge to cling to the comfortable.
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, invites us to be self-focused, courageous and action oriented. From late Friday until Monday morning, our sky is ablaze with fire as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus party hearty in Aries. Do not miss the opportunity for joy, inspiration, and exuberance.
The caution is to look before you leap. The collective energy of the ego, emotional body, intellect, and pleasure seeking are all reporting to Mars, the action planet, in the changeable and fickle sign of Gemini. There is a risk of regrettable impulsive decisions as the energy urges us to act. Keep in mind that loose...
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