
The universe invites us to slow down and review how we expend our energy with a double retrograde in fire signs. Mindful Mercury in Sagittarius is reversing until December 15, but it is not in a demure mood. Energetic Mars in Leo is doing the backward boogaloo until February 23. Retrogrades bring delays, reversals, conflicts, and collapse of things contemplated. We are witnessing these transits play out worldwide. Rebels are on the verge of overthrowing the Syrian government; the South Korean President declared martial law for six hours, the French government collapsed, and Romania's election results were annulled after systems saw over 85,000 cyberattacks. It was announced this week that eight US telecom firms were compromised by a Chinese hack campaign this summer. The Salt Typhoon campaign accessed millions of Americans' calls, texts, and voicemails. The hackers are still in the system. The US government suggests that everyone uses encrypted messaging apps as protection....

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A Little Tenderness

Venus retrograde over-delivered for many with delays, reversals, and collapses of anything contemplated around love, money, celebrations, and values. I am still dealing with the tax board about the missing form. It is a minor but irritating frustration. Mercury entered the retrograde dance last week, and I traveled to a wedding (Venus) in Mexico. Instagram followers and podcast listeners know I was nervous about the trip as the winged messenger is the trickster. Due to a communication mistake, we took the wrong travel route and missed our flight due to the massive traffic at the border crossing. Astrology prepared me. I purchased a more expensive ticket, knowing with my natal chart there was a significant probability of problems. Mercury is reversing through my third house of short trips, and oppressive Saturn is retrograde in my ninth house of long-distance travel. Colette at Southwest Airlines helped the four of us rebook later flights and get home the same evening. Thank you,...

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Identity Crisis

Aries is the sign of the self. On a personal level, this lunation is exciting. There is positive energy for self-actualization. Tap into the inspirational fire to stay optimistic that you can achieve your big goals despite setbacks. Eclipses often reveal the story weeks in advance. Do you know what new beginning seeded in your life? For a deep dive into the astrology and what it could mean for you, purchase the Solar Eclipse workshop replay here.

On a collective level, brutal conflicts are escalating globally. War-mongering Mars rules this sign, and the 29th anaretic degree amplifies the combative energy. Gun violence in the USA is shattering records. In Sudan, a paramilitary group is attempting to overthrow the government. Jupiter, which governs justice, is in a weakened state of combustion. The Supreme Court may ban an abortion (Uranus) pill. I expect people to take to the streets with outrage. Religious leaders are also Jupiterian figures. I recorded a video about the Dalai Lama...

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Facing your Fears

Please take the opportunity to ease into 2023; the energy is tumultuous. The double retrograde of the action planet Mars and communication planet Mercury is bringing scheduling delays, hassles, reversals, and unexpected burdens. Stable Saturn and chaotic Uranus also have a secret conflict; the contra parallel. Structures we thought we could depend on will continue to break down. People will fight against oppression, and some will cause upheaval seemingly without a cause. When frustrated, realize that the tension will lighten by the end of the month.   

For myself, a power outage brought two days of stress but relatively minor inconveniences. As I write, the Bay Area is experiencing an apocalyptic storm, so keep us in your thoughts. Also, there were over 20 nominations for the ISAR board. The board cut the list to 7 for voting, and I am not on the ballot. The selected candidates are top-notch.  

Athletes are martial figures. Football player Damar Hamlin...

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Flights of Fantasy

Pisces is the zodiac's last sign, and its mutable watery energy contains all twelve zodiac signs. This mystical and otherworldly force may bring up desires to escape the practical realities of life. It is not a time to overthink; it's a time to feel and experience. Consider events this weekend where you can participate in silence. A long hike, bike ride, afternoon delight, music concert, or art museum are perfect choices.

This lunation activates lightning bolt Uranus and oceanic Neptune. Be prepared for surprises, unexpected disappearing acts, or revelations that things are not as they seemed. Pay attention to the weather as intense storms are possible. People are experiencing extreme weather across the world. I have my eye on Hurricane Earl. The current forecast spares the US east coast, but with Mercury in airy Libra stationing retrograde, we shall see. When planets station to go retrograde, reversals are possible. Review your emergency plan, fill your gas tank, and stock up on...

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The Adventure Continues

Wow, eclipse season was fast, bountiful, and sadly tragic. In line with the relationship expanding Venus Jupiter conjunction, Sweden and Finland submitted their bid to join NATO. In addition, an awe-inspiring number of engagement announcements amped up the joy. Congratulations to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jessica Szohr, Sofia Ritchie, Marc Anthony, and Kat Williams! Did you make any new alliances? On a sad note, the baby formula crisis made headlines. Ceres, the asteroid of parenting, was at the karmic, last degree of newsmaker Gemini and semisquare chaotic Uranus in resource ruling Taurus. Many eyes are watching Johnny Depp and Amber Heard expose their dirty secrets during the public defamation trial. The laundry is literally dirty – on-brand for the Scorpio lunar eclipse.

There were three mass shootings after this intense full moon during which the feared fixed star Algol at 26º Taurus was activated. Since ancient times, astrologers have documented the correlation...

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Wash Me Clean

I am pleased to report that my trip back east to visit high school friends was joyful and soul-nourishing. We fell back into step as though we had not been apart for decades. So far, positive new beginnings were delivered as promised by the solar eclipse in my 11th house of good fortune. However, the lunar eclipse at 25º Scorpio on May 15th at 9:13pm PT is a time for release, and it is intense.

Watery Scorpio never does anything light or easy. This sign initiates growth by traveling into the heart of darkness. The Phoenix promises transformation and pushes our psyches in uncomfortable ways. I am facing my shadows through my dreams. Uncomfortable topics around self-worth and intimacy that I thought healed have resurfaced—Mercury retrogrades during the eclipse and treads over old ground. The way forward is through the shadows of the past.

Lunar eclipses shed light on darkness. Be prepared for unearthed secrets in the collective and potentially your own life. The Taurus Sun...

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Finding Focus

Confusingly, the symbol for airy Aquarius is the water bearer. Air signs rule communication and mental processes. This cosmic water nourishes the mind rather than the physical body. Prominent Aquarius energy is often found in the natal charts of scientists, inventors, and thought leaders. They gather knowledge and provide the collective with new tools and information to evolve.

The Humanitarian and the Revolutionary are well-known archetypes. At their core, people who embody this energy want to make things better in the future than they are in the now. There is a quest to improve something. The shadow energy can leave destruction in its wake, or it can change the world for the better when light.

Aquarius rules the big picture. This New Moon at 12º Aquarius on Monday, January 31 at 9:45 pm PT, invites us to think outside a traditional box when we set our intentions. Consider your long-range goals, dreams, and innovative ideas. What do you desire? How can you be more engaged with...

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The Love Within

The Moon rules the zodiac sign of Cancer. This sign has dominion over home, family, foundations, and ancestry. We first learn about love from our families. The Full Moon at 27º Cancer on January 17 at 3:48 pm PT invites us to explore our relationship with self-love. If we don’t nourish ourselves, how can we express healthy love for anyone else? The Full Moon’s engagement with primal Pluto offers self-empowerment to examine the shadows with a goal of healing.

Venus in Capricorn is still retrograde until January 29, so reflection on our relationships and values is on the cosmic menu. Mercury in Aquarius begins his backstep on Friday, February 14. This cycle could be especially mischievous since Uranus, the ruler of electronics, is stopped from our perspective during the Full Moon. The station period intensifies the chaotic energy of the still active Saturn Uranus square. Unexpected breakdowns and frustrations are possible. You know the drill. Don’t rush...

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AstrologyBytes Podcast Appearance

Are you moving through Mercury Retrograde season with minor frustrations, a few fun anecdotes, and no catastrophes? The official ending is Oct 18, but we are still in the shadow period until Nov 2.

Be aware that ghosts may continue returning from the past. Fingers crossed its friendly Casper and not someone reminiscent of an Edgar Allan Poe novel. Electronic issues also can still pop up, and secrets especially may be revealed. I am looking forward to the winged messenger entering Scorpio for the first time!

On the bright side, you may feel a motivational push forward now that achievement-loving Saturn is in direct motion and gaining speed each day!

Secondary progression is a forecasting technique that advances the natal chart into the future and provides insights into potential life developments. It is a day for a year technique. Astrologers focus on the progressed Moon because she moves the fastest at 1 degree per month and changes signs every 2.5 years.  She illuminates our...

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