The Bright Side of Chaos

Astrology always astonishes me with the divine timing of events. I accepted an invitation to discuss how astrology can assist with understanding and managing grief a few months ago. Our conversation was this week. Bonnie Gonzalez is doing the work of the angels by helping people move through devastating losses. Her Facebook page is Your Doula for Grief. You can view our conversation here. 

The high road energy of Aquarius is friendly, community-minded, and focused on individual freedoms. There is a desire to topple old, outmoded structures and replace them with new egalitarian ones. On the low road, pessimism and a detachment from emotions can lead to withdrawal or outlandish behavior. Saturn traditionally rules this fixed air sign. The planetary Grim Reaper governs loss, grief, loneliness, and depression. This lunation will activate its ruler and may stir up feelings of separateness and anxiety. Stay present with your emotions and use healthy tools like dance, conscious...

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