New Perspectives

The Mars, Uranus, and North Node pileup at 18º Taurus at the beginning of the month certainly delivered on its promise of surprising, chaotic, and impactful events. For some, the following week’s Mars t-bone into Saturn in Aquarius brought hardship, dealings with authorities, and other restrictions. Some of the notable news stories included: 

  • Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan instigated an international crisis.  
  • A series of earthquakes and a spectacular volcanic eruption in Iceland. 
  • Anne Heche died after her reckless driving led to a fiery crash into a woman’s home.  
  • The FBI searched Donald Trump’s residence to retrieve classified documents. The contents are rumored to include top secret information on the USA’s nuclear program. 
  • A nuclear fusion breakthrough was confirmed. It is a significant scientific advancement of Uranian proportions. 
  • President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. It...
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