On the Celestial Insights podcast dated June 26, I forecast that we might have surprising legal cases. Three stunning Supreme Court decisions reflected the First Quarter Moon (FQM) in Libra’s aspects—the sign oversees justice, artists, and marriage. FQM phases are times when we take action. In the astrology chart, Jupiter (judges) in Taurus (money, resources, artists) was in a smooth sextile with Saturn retrograde (authority rolling back judgments) in Pisces (forgiveness, atonement, oneness, and slavery). In addition, Mercury in Gemini was in a tense square with Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Leo squared Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune slowed down to station retrograde on Friday. The Associated Press is paraphrased below in italics.
The Court killed President Joe Biden’s $400 billion plan to cancel or reduce federal student loan debts & ended affirmative action in higher education.
- Mercury in Gemini rules students. Neptune governs forgiveness and atonement...
Saturn in Pisces is getting louder as it grinds to a stop and approaches its retrograde cycle. Retrogrades coincide with collapse, antagonism, reversals, difficulties, delays, and reoccurrences of previous situations. Shadows of this planet controls, denies, deceives, and bring challenges. Pisces topics include drugs, addiction, gasoline, poverty, religion, and water. Recent stories include:
I just returned from the NORWAC astrology convention in Seattle, WA. These events are an amazing opportunity to meet and learn new techniques from exceptional astrologers. Being in a community with like-minded spiritual adventures is such a joy. If you are a professional astrologer, enthusiast, or addict, I recommend putting a conference on your bucket list.
Jupiter, the cosmic Santa, transits resourceful Taurus until May 2024. The blessings and expansion are earthbound. Consider how you can grow wealth sustainably, experience more embodiment and embrace simple pleasures.
My Taurus Sun is in the 11th house of groups. In July, I will speak for the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR), the San Diego Astrological Society, and Synchronicity University. I will keep you posted. The first of 3 Jupiter connections with my Sun is on July 23. The beauty is that if you lean in a little, the greater benefic, with surpass your expectations for expansion. For myself, this transit...
Earthly Taurus offers a slower pace, stability, and grounding. Welcome this lunation as a reset after the wild ride of eclipse season. Whether yours was uneventful, brought hardship, or delivered abundance, I suspect you felt some of the intensity. If not yourself, people in your orbit likely experienced seismic shifts. The magnified lunations have long tails. Events will still unfold over the next several months as transits activate the hot degrees of 29º Aries and 14º Scorpio.
Donald Trump had an eclipse season to remember. The eclipse hit his 9th house of legal affairs. I recorded a video on my YouTube channel explaining the astrology. You can view it here. Subscribe to be notified when I drop new content.
Communicative Mercury turned direct at 5º Taurus yesterday. Take some time to revisit what came to your attention during the retrograde. Of course, the usual transportation woes, scheduling mixups, and electronic snafus likely occurred. For many, financial or...
Returning home to see family and childhood friends was part of my Mercury retrograde experience. Mars in Cancer took me back to my roots. Retrograde shenanigans ranged from humourous to irritating. My favorite was during a day trip to New York City. I wanted to take the elevated HiLine walking path from Penn Station to the West Village, but the entrance was closed due to an art installation. Mercury rules transportation, and it is transiting the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus. Venus rules art. Retrogrades cause delays and reversals. I spent time walking in a circle trying various entrances with no success.
Taurus also governs money. Pay extra attention to invoices, bills, and receipts for the rest of the month. Miscalculations and fraudulent charges are possible. UBER overcharged one friend, and I had a frustrating problem with my hotel bill due to miscommunication.
Intense, watery Scorpio rules sex, death, organized crime, and immense wealth. This week, another bank failed, and the...
Aries is the sign of the self. On a personal level, this lunation is exciting. There is positive energy for self-actualization. Tap into the inspirational fire to stay optimistic that you can achieve your big goals despite setbacks. Eclipses often reveal the story weeks in advance. Do you know what new beginning seeded in your life? For a deep dive into the astrology and what it could mean for you, purchase the Solar Eclipse workshop replay here.
On a collective level, brutal conflicts are escalating globally. War-mongering Mars rules this sign, and the 29th anaretic degree amplifies the combative energy. Gun violence in the USA is shattering records. In Sudan, a paramilitary group is attempting to overthrow the government. Jupiter, which governs justice, is in a weakened state of combustion. The Supreme Court may ban an abortion (Uranus) pill. I expect people to take to the streets with outrage. Religious leaders are also Jupiterian figures. I recorded a video about the Dalai Lama...
We are in the throes of eclipse season, a time of great beginnings and unexpected endings. Life is never the same when these karmic turning points activate our natal chart. We know one of the big stories of the April 19 solar eclipse at 29 Aries. Last week as Mercury, the winged messenger, squared Donald Trump’s natal Saturn, he was indicted for the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels. He is the first former president charged with a crime. Saturn rules consequences and karma. This intense lunation is in a smooth trine from his 9th house of legal affairs to the ascendant. His identity is forever changed.
I am hosting a Solar Eclipse workshop on Sunday, April 16, at noon PT and will discuss the astrology of Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels, DA Alvin Bragg, and the USA. Join to learn about this lunation and how it may impact you. I will give hot take astrology readings to as many people as possible. If you can not make it live, you will receive the recording.
It is...
In astrology, the new year begins when the Sun enters Aries. Spring brings fresh energy and enthusiasm as the days get warmer and longer. The intensity of the last few weeks left many feeling exhausted and drained. Shake it off! Action-oriented Mars rules the sign of the ram. Movement is medicine and will dissipate frustration, anger, impatience, and irritation.
March is a month of massive changes. Structured Saturn entered boundariless Pisces on March 7. Within days two banks collapsed. Despite government actions, there is still a crisis of faith around the financial system. Venus rules money and will meet Uranus, the planet of shocks and awe, on March 30. Fingers crossed, there isn’t another economic earthquake.
Pleasure-seeking Venus turns retrograde in fun-loving Leo from July 22 to September 3. Disappointing vacations are on brand. Reconsider cruises and beach vacations in the Caribbean or Florida this summer since a 5000-mile seaweed blob is on the way. A massive...
International Women’s Day is on March 8. How perfect that this celebration falls the day after the Virgo Full Moon. High road Virgo energy is the Priestess archetype. An intuitive healer, wisdom keeper, and spiritual leader secure in her sexuality. At this lunation, the Moon conjuncts the asteroid Lilith. In the Hebrew tradition, she was Adam’s first wife who refused to be subservient and left him/ was banished from the garden of Eden. She is associated with releasing repressed anger, lust, and what men fear about women’s sexuality. I expect untamed women to make the news this week. Harness the tarot’s 9 of Pentacles energy, a woman grateful for the abundance in her life and confident in her ability to manifest her dreams.
Virgo energy is an invitation to bring order to chaos. Consider what you can release to declutter your physical environment, organize your schedule and improve your health. The Full Moon squares action-oriented Mars in Gemini. Also,...
The Aquarius lunation cycle began on January 21, with Venus and Saturn embraced in the sign. Did you end, encounter hardships, or successfully overcome challenges related to love, beauty, or relationships? Did making new commitments require you to forsake some others? I changed my hair stylist to save money, had my last appointment with my Invisalign orthodontist, and decided that I may eliminate alcohol. Anyone who knows me knows how much I enjoy wine, but I joined the Alcohol Experiment for dry January. When I began drinking again, I had an epiphany that I no longer enjoyed the buzzed feeling. The conjunction squared my natal intoxicating Neptune in the fifth house of pleasure. Stopping drinking is on brand for this transit. We shall see if it is permanent.
During the Leo Full Moon, Uranus in Taurus squared the luminaries on a world point bringing high visibility to dramatic, disruptive, and shocking events. A few of the stories that stood out include:
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