Courageous Conversations

We are in the throes of eclipse season, a time of great beginnings and unexpected endings. Life is never the same when these karmic turning points activate our natal chart. We know one of the big stories of the April 19 solar eclipse at 29 Aries. Last week as Mercury, the winged messenger, squared Donald Trump’s natal Saturn, he was indicted for the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels. He is the first former president charged with a crime. Saturn rules consequences and karma. This intense lunation is in a smooth trine from his 9th house of legal affairs to the ascendant. His identity is forever changed.


I am hosting a Solar Eclipse workshop on Sunday, April 16, at noon PT and will discuss the astrology of Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels, DA Alvin Bragg, and the USA. Join to learn about this lunation and how it may impact you. I will give hot take astrology readings to as many people as possible. If you can not make it live, you will receive the recording.

It is...

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Brave New World

In astrology, the new year begins when the Sun enters Aries. Spring brings fresh energy and enthusiasm as the days get warmer and longer. The intensity of the last few weeks left many feeling exhausted and drained. Shake it off! Action-oriented Mars rules the sign of the ram. Movement is medicine and will dissipate frustration, anger, impatience, and irritation.

March is a month of massive changes. Structured Saturn entered boundariless Pisces on March 7. Within days two banks collapsed. Despite government actions, there is still a crisis of faith around the financial system. Venus rules money and will meet Uranus, the planet of shocks and awe, on March 30. Fingers crossed, there isn’t another economic earthquake.

Pleasure-seeking Venus turns retrograde in fun-loving Leo from July 22 to September 3. Disappointing vacations are on brand. Reconsider cruises and beach vacations in the Caribbean or Florida this summer since a 5000-mile seaweed blob is on the way. A massive...

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A Woman's Worth


International Women’s Day is on March 8. How perfect that this celebration falls the day after the Virgo Full Moon. High road Virgo energy is the Priestess archetype. An intuitive healer, wisdom keeper, and spiritual leader secure in her sexuality. At this lunation, the Moon conjuncts the asteroid Lilith. In the Hebrew tradition, she was Adam’s first wife who refused to be subservient and left him/ was banished from the garden of Eden. She is associated with releasing repressed anger, lust, and what men fear about women’s sexuality. I expect untamed women to make the news this week. Harness the tarot’s 9 of Pentacles energy, a woman grateful for the abundance in her life and confident in her ability to manifest her dreams.

Virgo energy is an invitation to bring order to chaos. Consider what you can release to declutter your physical environment, organize your schedule and improve your health. The Full Moon squares action-oriented Mars in Gemini. Also,...

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Wash Me Clean

The Aquarius lunation cycle began on January 21, with Venus and Saturn embraced in the sign. Did you end, encounter hardships, or successfully overcome challenges related to love, beauty, or relationships? Did making new commitments require you to forsake some others? I changed my hair stylist to save money, had my last appointment with my Invisalign orthodontist, and decided that I may eliminate alcohol. Anyone who knows me knows how much I enjoy wine, but I joined the Alcohol Experiment for dry January. When I began drinking again, I had an epiphany that I no longer enjoyed the buzzed feeling. The conjunction squared my natal intoxicating Neptune in the fifth house of pleasure. Stopping drinking is on brand for this transit. We shall see if it is permanent.  


During the Leo Full Moon, Uranus in Taurus squared the luminaries on a world point bringing high visibility to dramatic, disruptive, and shocking events. A few of the stories that stood out include: 

  • ...
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Breaking Chains

As I write this newsletter, I am still reeling from the brutality of the murder of Tyre Nichols by 5 Memphis police officers. This story is deeply connected to the Pluto return of the USA. Pluto rules death, brutality, and domination. Its transits unearth the shadows of our nature we would rather disown. This transit is forcing Americans to decide whether we will live up to the nation’s core values of justice and fairness for all. As we move toward the Full Moon, I am concerned that bad actors may use the cover of peaceful protests to wreak havoc. The astrology of the weekend is intense so stay safe. I discuss the astrology of this horrific event in the video here. 

This lunation on the axis of self-expression vs. the collective is powerful. The Aquarius Sun opposing the Leo Moon invites you to consider if you dim the light of your personality or hold yourself back out of fear of judgment. The luminaries will square Uranus, breaker of chains. Use the cosmic energy to...

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Cleared for Takeoff

Get ready for forward motion! Action planet Mars finally turned direct at 8º Gemini (mutable air) on January 12, and this Wednesday, chatterbox Mercury goes direct at 8º Capricorn (cardinal earth). These two signs are quincunx, an irritation that needs adjustment. They have nothing in common by sign, modality (cardinal, fixed, mutable), or element (fire, air, earth, water). This aspect moves us into new situations and requires releasing something. During my two-week vacation, I realized how much nonstop activity was exhausting me. I am thankful for numerous opportunities but decided to be more selective in 2023. I am just one person and cannot do it all.  

Last week two stories illustrated the connection between the two retrograde cycles.  

  • The FAA grounded all US flights for 90 minutes due to a computer glitch. Mars (actions) in Gemini (transportation) stationed on the Uranus (airplanes) of the USA. Mercury (communication) is in Capricorn, which...
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Facing your Fears

Please take the opportunity to ease into 2023; the energy is tumultuous. The double retrograde of the action planet Mars and communication planet Mercury is bringing scheduling delays, hassles, reversals, and unexpected burdens. Stable Saturn and chaotic Uranus also have a secret conflict; the contra parallel. Structures we thought we could depend on will continue to break down. People will fight against oppression, and some will cause upheaval seemingly without a cause. When frustrated, realize that the tension will lighten by the end of the month.   

For myself, a power outage brought two days of stress but relatively minor inconveniences. As I write, the Bay Area is experiencing an apocalyptic storm, so keep us in your thoughts. Also, there were over 20 nominations for the ISAR board. The board cut the list to 7 for voting, and I am not on the ballot. The selected candidates are top-notch.  

Athletes are martial figures. Football player Damar Hamlin...

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Easing into 2023

Happy Holidays! I am back from my trip and feeling refreshed. It was beautiful to see the night sky clearly in Mexico, especially watching the Full Moon passes over Mars Rx in Gemini. I discussed several stories related to this lunation on Instagram. However, the clearest one involves international politics, with two martial figures taking flights home. Brittney Griner, the basketball player, imprisoned in a Russian penal colony for having cannabis in her luggage, was swapped for an arms dealer nicknamed the Merchant of Death. Astrology is often literal.

  • Mars rules athletic competition and weapons
  • Gemini rules the hands (basketball), merchants, and air transportation
  • Retrogrades bring reversals (prison sentence revoked)
  • The Moon rules home

The earth sign of Capricorn rules ambition, responsibility, and success. The sea goat has the persistence and determination to keep going despite setbacks. I suggest focusing on your top goals for 2023 and slowly building an action plan. The...

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Rumor Has ItĀ 


It is hard to believe that 2022 is coming to a close; how time flies! I am starting a two-week vacation as a docent at my favorite wellness spa as I write this. Airy Gemini rules communication and transportation. The Reporter, the Social Butterfly, and the Gossip are archetypes. The ability to absorb numerous facts and communicate them concisely with panache is a Gemini superpower. How perfect that I will give directions and my opinion on which activities will suit the tastes of new guests. I need the downtime as I live the life of the Two of Pentacles tarot card. It needs to stop. You can only juggle so many balls in the air before a few start to hit the floor. In part, I will use the time to consider how I can most effectively use my energy to benefit myself and the community I serve.

This lunation is tricky. Passionate, fiery Mars is retrograde and tightly conjunct the Moon and opposite the Sagittarius Sun. In mundane astrology, the Moon rules the people, and the Sun...

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Fired Up!

Eclipse season is to astrologers what tax season is to accountants. There is a never-ending flow of stories highlighting the themes. The headlines now include relationships, values, and economic transformations. The opposition between balance-loving Venus and chain-breaker Uranus was a significant feature of the November 8 lunar eclipse. Venus rules partnerships, love, and desire. What dramatic entrances and exits did you experience? For myself, I canceled my subscription to Hulu because they raised the price yet again. With the Mars retrograde, I am reconsidering how I expended my energy and decided to pull back from an astrology group I was leading. Uranus brings surprises, and I was nominated for the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) board. This fantastic organization hosts conferences and provides weekly talks from noteworthy astrologers. If you are a member, please consider voting for me.

I am so proud of my fellow Americans. The Pluto return requires us to...

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