New Moon Guidance ā€“ Begin Again

Do you feel yourself releasing things from your life? Relationships, habits, commitments, or other things that no longer serve you may beckon an exit.  It is a time of endings. The Pisces Moon is in her balsamic phase. The last sign of the zodiac meets the last phase of the lunar cycle. Listen to your inner wisdom and resist the urge to cling to the comfortable.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, invites us to be self-focused, courageous and action oriented.  From late Friday until Monday morning, our sky is ablaze with fire as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus party hearty in Aries. Do not miss the opportunity for joy, inspiration, and exuberance.

The caution is to look before you leap. The collective energy of the ego, emotional body, intellect, and pleasure seeking are all reporting to Mars, the action planet, in the changeable and fickle sign of Gemini.  There is a risk of regrettable impulsive decisions as the energy urges us to act. Keep in mind that loose...

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The Recipe is Reciprocity


The Sun, Venus, and Neptune are traversing the expansive, watery sign of Pisces for this lumination. We are called to embrace love and compassion for ourselves and others. As we approach the anniversary of the first lockdown, take stock of your mental and physical health. If adjustments are needed, it is a good time to make them.

The Sabian symbol calls for big dreams for the future. Mercury (the mind) and Jupiter (expansion) are having a beautiful conversation with the North Node (where we are headed). Have an optimistic view of the future.

The Full Moon in Virgo also calls for a decluttering. Consider an early spring cleaning. What is taking up space in your life unnecessarily? Is it useless stuff, critical self-talk, or oppressive self-imposed obligations? Use this energy to release what no longer serves you. For a deeper discussion of the Full Moon in Virgo and guidance for each sign, check out my YouTube video.

With love and light,

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Change is not an option in 2021, it's mandatory!


It is an exciting week at Astrology by Celeste! I am offering 3 free Reach for the Moon virtual events on February 19, February 26 and March 4! We are going to have a fantabulous time on Zoom! Jupiter in Aquarius wants us to make new friends and build community. Selected participants will ask a question about work, play or love and receive a reading – choose guidance through Astrology or Oracle Cards! Please join and feel free to share the event with your astrology curious friends!

As I mentioned last week, Saturn in Aquarius is squaring Uranus in Taurus three times this year on February 17, June 14 and December 23/24. On a personal level, radical changes to structures that no longer serve is in order. I had the honor to speak to the brilliant astrologer Colin Bedell of Queer Cosmos about the squares and so much more!

You can view our conversation on his Instagram feed @queercosmos or my YouTube channel here. Also, check out my transit talk video for a discussion of this...

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The Land of Milk and Honey is in Sight


Do you feel time accelerating? Well buckle up and expect the unexpected. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th features a six-planet pileup in this fixed air sign. There is a risk of feeling detached, scattered, and untethered. Remember to breathe and center yourself.

When there is a concentration in one element, bring in the others to balance yourself. Get into your earthly body with walks in nature or grounding by running your bare feet through the grass. Embrace the lifegiving force of fire by moving your chi. Do some heart pumping exercise, enjoy a great laugh or take a calculated risk. Nurture your water with meditation or just be still and listen to your body knowledge.

Mercury is retrograde so it is a good time to embrace the “re” words. Relax your mind, carefully review contracts, and reread any correspondence. Most of all, just slow down. The winged messenger is a trickster so save all your documents constantly while drafting them.

The planetary stars of...

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Step into your Personal Power!


Happy New Year! 2021 is off to an unpleasantly raucous start.  Saturn rules authority and Uranus governs rebellion.  The headliners of 2021 are having tense conversations on February 17, June 14, and December 24.  The insurrection at the Capitol gave us a preview that rebellion is likely one of the plots. Staying centered and focused on what we can control in our own lives is the cure for the rage pandemic. #serenityprayer.  

This Capricorn New Moon on January 12 is whispering secrets to the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto rules death, rage, obsession, destructiveness, and other dark parts of life.  Last year, we all faced our mortality and experienced the end of our way of life. The Saturn Jupiter conjunction on the solstice started a new 20-year cycle, this is the first New Moon since.  It is time for a rebirth!

There is healing energy to support you as you examine your shadows.   Do you have a healthy relationship with your personal...

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So Long, Farewell, Aufwiedersehn Goodbye Felicia


We have come full circle as the year of our discontent ends. The previous Cancer Full Moon was the Jan 10th lunar eclipse. It occurred two days before the planetary Lords of Karma (Saturn) and the Underworld (Pluto) met on a world point signaling permanent changes to global structures. Thankfully, the energy shifted last week on the winter solstice with a deep breath of fresh Aquarian air for the collective.  I am loving the lighter energy. The pandemic is not over but the evolutionary story has turned a page.  I have hope for the future that we will harness the greater good side of the water bearer.

 On Tuesday, Dec 29th, the Full Moon is at home in the nurturing and watery sign of Cancer. The crab rules the home, roots, and our most private selves. The energy is soft and supportive, we can just lean into our feelings. There are several subtle conversations between our planetary teachers that lend to transformational healing.  It is a good time to grieve what...

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