Keeping it Simple

The Taurus New Moon invites us to slow down, get embodied, and focus on the practical. This is a much-needed shift after a super intense eclipse season. I encourage you to focus on one or two intentions about what you want to bring to fruition.  Taurus, being a fixed earth sign, encourages us to focus on what is sustainable over time. This lunation is conjunct Uranus, promising awakenings, sudden events, surprises, and reversals.  Can you be flexible and wear the world loosely? To dive deeper into these insights, you can now purchase the recording of the New Moon workshop.

As a faculty member for the Organization of Professional Astrology retreat in Park City, Utah, I am thrilled to invite you to this transformative event, which will take place from October 16 to 21. The early bird pricing has been extended until May 15, offering you a unique opportunity to join at a discounted rate. I will be teaching a Moon Mastery™ intensive, a session that promises to deepen...

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Abundance Mindset

Earthly Taurus offers a slower pace, stability, and grounding. Welcome this lunation as a reset after the wild ride of eclipse season. Whether yours was uneventful, brought hardship, or delivered abundance, I suspect you felt some of the intensity. If not yourself, people in your orbit likely experienced seismic shifts. The magnified lunations have long tails. Events will still unfold over the next several months as transits activate the hot degrees of 29º Aries and 14º Scorpio.

Donald Trump had an eclipse season to remember. The eclipse hit his 9th house of legal affairs. I recorded a video on my YouTube channel explaining the astrology. You can view it here. Subscribe to be notified when I drop new content.

Communicative Mercury turned direct at 5º Taurus yesterday. Take some time to revisit what came to your attention during the retrograde. Of course, the usual transportation woes, scheduling mixups, and electronic snafus likely occurred. For many, financial or...

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Fertile Ground

Taurus energy invites us to solidify the foundations of what we are building and move forward methodically. Practical matters are in focus. Venus rules the sign of the bull. Money matters, sensual pleasures, and physical comfort may be top of mind. This lunation is a solar eclipse; it’s a time of fated changes. We walk through a door, and when we look behind us, there is a wall. There is no going back.

This intense activation at 10º Taurus on April 30 at 1:27 pm PT is in my 11th house of friends, groups, hopes, and dreams. The luminaries are conjunct my 12º Taurus Sun, so my natal excitation is strong. I already see parts of the story. I am traveling back east to visit childhood friends—some who I have not seen in over 20 years. I am excited and nervous as I am not sure about the reaction to my being an astrologer. We shall see; I must be authentically myself.

Starting a membership community is on my vision board. This week, I signed up for a course so that I...

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The Grounding

How are you? Life at Astrology by Celeste has been a whirlwind! The Aries New Moon brought the revelation that I was ready to take off the platinum handcuffs and retire from my corporate career to follow my spiritual calling full time. My word of the year is fearless, and I realized it was the only thing holding me back. Did you have any insights? If you need the energy to make changes, use this New Moon in Taurus to tap into your inner power, grab some grit and make lasting changes for your highest good.

Taurus is an earth sign which calls for slowing down and savoring sensual delights. I must confess to having spent too many meals over the past year eating while working or completing chores. Carving out time to savor meals is one of my intentions. Electronic free meal times may have the kids whining for families but will offer a chance for a deeper connection.

One caution is to avoid old, familiar fights about family history. Instead, use the energy to free yourself from the past...

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