The Release

The Full Moon at 7º Scorpio on Monday, Apr 26th brings echoes of the past. It is a Supermoon and will look massive in the night sky as it is as close as it gets to earth. The mirror for self-reflection is huge.  

As always, the luminaries oppose each other at the culmination of their cycle. This lunar activation brings the Sun to the hot degree of 7º Taurus where Uranus, the Great Awakener, stood during the Saturn Uranus square of Feb 17th.  Have you made the changes to structures that no longer serve you?  Use the illumination to see your progress clearly. Celebrate any small steps forward. There is no need for judgment. Give yourself grace and forgive any lack of progress. 

The sign of the phoenix invites you to examine your shadow and uproot difficult experiences. Take a trip down to the basement and transmute the pain into healing. The gentle energy of Taurus provides loving support to do so.

The action planet, Mars, entered watery Cancer and now answers to the Moon until June 11.  It is a wonderful opportunity to feel into your connection with our lunar teacher. See if you notice your moods and impulsive desires changing with the Moon sign every 2.5 days. The recommendation to pause before speaking or acting is especially key until May 23 as the fiery warrior remains out of bounds and answering to itself.  Essentially, when a planet goes out of bounds it goes past the path of the Sun and has a Uranian flavor; rebellious, unrestrained, and unpredictable. Stay present to avoid hurtful words or self-sabotaging actions.

We are entering eclipse season, be open and prepared for change as this summer will likely be a bumpy ride. 

Check out my YouTube channel for a deeper discussion on this lunation and a discussion on eclipses.

Enter the free monthly drawing for an Astro Oracle reading for my hot takes on your natal chart and oracle guidance on what needs your attention.  The link is on the blog page.

Join me every Sunday on Instagram Live at 9:30 am PST for a discussion on the astrology of current events, insights on the Moon phases, and oracle card guidance for the energy of the week. They are also posted to my Facebook page.

With love and light,



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