Standing On Business

Capricorn, the ruler of structures, ambitions, big business, governments, traditions, and older people, is in the spotlight. The 29th degree, a point of crisis and decay, is significant. When a planet reaches 29º, it holds the entire energy of the sign, ready to burst before changing signs. The Moon’s conjunction with Pluto intensifies the crisis. Notably, Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign and endorsed Kamala Harris during this time. The tense square between messenger Mercury and Uranus at this lunation is also of astrological importance.

The planet Uranus governs seismic changes, elections, reversals, shocks, and surprises. When activated by the Great Awakener, we are subconsciously motivated by our vision of the future to take decisive action. We desire to liberate ourselves, make a big splash, or end something abruptly. Uranus was on my Sun when I quit my stable corporate career to pursue an uncertain future as an astrologer. Uranus was opposite his Sun when Joe...

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Surprise Showers

This lunar cycle is going to bring the drama. On the day of the New Moon, the North Node enters Aries and the South Node into partner Libra until January 2025. The lunar nodes move backward through the zodiac. This transit begins at the 29th degree of karmic lessons, crisis, and decay. The collective work shifts from focusing on resource allocation to relationship dynamics. It's time to assert personal needs, embrace courage and enforce healthy boundaries. As we adjust to the shift, I expect we will experience surges of the shadows. Selfish, aggressive, and tactless behavior will abound as the rules of civility are rewritten.

The Sun in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn, and the lunar nodes will form a cardinal grand cross on July 21 at the 29th degree of each sign. Crosses are planetary patterns without an outlet. Venus in fiery Leo stations retrograde on July 22. Seismic events will occur around this time. Extreme weather is likely as the New Moon is sextile surprising Uranus and trine...

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